Friday, November 20, 2009

Class Time

This Thursday night workout was brought inside to Sports Basement. We did participate in a short workout but most of the evening was educational. Our coaches went through various topics to better prepare us for the training ahead.

We went through the physiological aspects of what it takes to be endurance athletes. Our fears were addressed and it was great to hear that I wasn't the only one with a laundry list of them. Since many of us are new to this process the unknowns really create the fears. We shared stories, experiences and techniques to work through most of we just have to trust the process.

Nutrition was one of the big topics of the evening and Coach Wayne is the first to admit he is nutrition geek. The more I am around him the more he reminds me of a past co-worker that I enjoyed working with...Steve Melander. They are both natural leaders, say it like it is and get passionate about topics (geek out) they enjoy.

As the teams learned about nutrition and hydration, there were some interesting TMI examples that were shared. Overall we got a lot of basic information about the why, what, when, how & how much of eating and drinking. Both of these topics are very important to me because in the past they have been my downfall. I tend to not think about drinking until I'm thirsty (very bad) and don't like to eat until I finish whatever activity I am doing (sure failure). I definitely will not make it through the training if I employ my old habits.

The cycle team continues to be blended with the tri team, which will continue for every Thursday workout throughout the season. Both groups seem to get along very well. Sheila (tri team participant) mentioned that she hasn't seen these groups get along so well, this soon in training...its a fun group of people. Not only is she a TNT teammate but also Coach Wayne's wife and has also been on the cycle team in the past...which makes her very knowledgeable person to talk with about TNT.

After class we all wandered the store and shopped. I headed for samples of electrolytes and healthy snacks. I need to figure out what will work for me on ride days. This is like a science project of label reading and pictures to find what might be palatable. We were encouraged in class to experiment with the different products...this should be interesting:)

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