Team in Training (TNT) lulled us into the moderate part of training...got our re-commitment paperwork and now Coach Wayne pulls out his "Survive This" list of rides...let the pain begin! This was our second ride out of Pleasant Hill, and other than the first couple of miles riding...the route was completely different. Some of us were calling this the National Geographic ride...with sections of the ride named 3 Bears and The Pig Farm. It was a tough 40 mile ride, with a 3500 ft elevation climb, broke into 4 segments. This is the most difficulty and distance combined, that we have encountered on a team ride so far. For many riders, that were away for the holidays it was a brutal shock to their bodies.
Groups were briefed before the ride and Coach Wayne did an assessment on "B" (my bike), since I had some shifting (derailleur) issues over the past week. He felt B was in good working order in spite of a very slight bent derailleur (possibly an incident that occurred before I got the bike). In the process of giving me shifting and bike handling tips, he had some very interesting analogies...I would best describe it as, a sex talk. You could image my expression, as I was trying to interpret and apply what he was explaining to cycling.
This week, my ride group was joined by a new face, "Katie"...she rode on the summer cycle team. She was a nice addition to the group. Based on the pace of the ride groups, this was the first week that the teams had staggered start times. It was a cold & foggy morning, so as soon as our ride group was cleared to go, we were happy to get moving and warm ourselves up. Our first climb came up quickly...within the first 4 miles, but most of the first part of the ride was moderate. It was the second half...that I was dreading.

Most of the ride was beautiful, scenic and remote. It was very enjoyable except for the ratio of road kill that we experienced...the skunks, were especially unpleasant! It is part of the ambiance of cycling. Once we arrived at the SAG stop, we knew the tough riding and big hills were next. This was my cue to fuel up...roasted potatoes, PB & J, fruit, electrolytes, etc., I wanted to as prepared as possible.
After a rider had a minor incident (I finally used my first aid supplies), we headed out to ride The Bears! As I was building up speed to Papa Bear (1st big climb) and gearing down for the climb, my front derailleur had other ideas and locked...bringing me to a sudden halt! Frustrated did not begin to describe how I felt to lose all my momentum and focus for my first big challenge of the day! Coach Steve stopped and helped me get things fixed, as the other zoomed up the hill. Let me tell you, starting on an uphill is no fun, but one that is going to continue for a mile and a half...just sucks!
My derailleur continued to be temperamental through the ride...which caused me to ride up Mama Bear in my middle ring. My legs and determination got me up there...but I wouldn't choose to do that again! It was frustrating, since it shifted up beautifully but going down into the lower gears was a gamble all day. However, I did get through all the bears and didn't have to stop again.

Our ride group got spread out going through the long and rigorous climbs, so we all met up for the next big challenge...The Pig Farm! This was considered the toughest part of the ride...and it lived up to the hype. The last part of The Pig !@#$%? (new team name) hill, proved how slow I could ride (2.5), without falling down...didn't know it was possible until today.
I was so happy to have made it through this ride! In spite of the big climbs, our group had a really good pace today...for the first time, we were done early. It was great to greet the other teams as they came into the finish. I heard great stories and saw a lot of exhausted, relieved and excited teammates that made it through this memorable ride.