Monday, September 13, 2010

Kick-off #1 of 2

It's that time already?!? I can't believe that we had our Moab kickoff last Saturday...where did this summer go? It was a beautiful day in Novato for our send-off ride and a fun celebration. However, now the real work begins as I'm standing ankle deep in luggage, clothes, equipment, cycling gear, supplements, lots of sunscreen and instructions for this trip!

I've never had to ship my bike anywhere before...its a bit overwhelming at the moment. What to take off the bike, where to pack things, how much to bring...its making my head spin! This is a process that begins tomorrow with shipping my bike and sending my ride gear with my coach (who's driving to the event).

I plan on an early morning last ride before I need to send "B" and my gear onto Moab. Then I need to organize and pack everything else to leave on Thursday will be here quickly! I'm also in process of pre-hydrating for riding in the altitude. Actually I should have just bought a camel pack, not for riding with but to walk around with all week to continue to drink enough...haha!

This ride is more intimidating than my past century, due to not only the altitude but the heat and more intensive climbing! We have a succession of climbs with names like "The Launch Pad", "The Big Nasty", "Stairway to Heaven" and many other nasty friends! I've been told we will climb for 20 miles!!! Of course, everyone who's done the ride, tries to soften the blow with talking about how wonderful the descent will be...that is if I make it up there without passing out from lack of oxygen or dehydration...haha!

It just another obstacle for me to overcome, I just need to trust my coaches and the process at this point. I also need to remember how good I felt after our 75 mile last week and control my breathing by not talking...which my coach will appreciate:) I truly am looking forward to sharing this adventure and experience with my teammates!

I understand the scenery will be spectacular as we ride through the canyon lands and archways of southern Utah. I will do my best to document the event, as much as possible! I was hoping to get a helmet-cam in time for the ride to take some video and scenery shots but unfortunately it looks like I ran out of time on making that happen. Hopefully I can get one before our second team event in Konocti in two weeks...stay tuned!

I added in this last photo of the hotel where our team will be staying at and the location of the start of the ride.

We will be nestled in paradise!

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