This was my first team ride after straining the muscle in my leg...and I was so glad it was more focused on mileage than climbing. This 65 mile ride began as a buddy ride and became a team ride to make up for the ride that got canceled due to extreme and unsafe weather conditions. There was a lot of unnecessary controversy over the ride being canceled when the storm didn't appear. However, my body was happy to have the recovery time. Up until this ride I had only went out for a moderate 30 mile ride. This ride would be the indicator if my leg got enough recovery time or not.
It was a beautiful day that the Winter team doesn't get to enjoy very often. Our biggest climb of the day was up Calaveras Road. Since we had a lot of miles to warm up my body and muscles...I was happy to have no issues with the climb...thank goodness!
I got the opportunity to ride with various team mates since the groups were scattered around. This season our staff has been dwindling quickly due to various injuries and illnesses...unfortunately, my coach most likely will be on the sidelines through the rest of the season.
My body was holding up very well on the ride but my tires were not so lucky on this day. I knew it was getting time to change out my tires since I had over 1200 miles on some very cheap tires that were put on my bike when I first got it...those $10 tires got me a long way! At about the 40 mile mark going about 15 mph on a very busy road...I got a flat on my front tire...not fun! Luckily it was a slow leak and not a blow out. James and Craig to the rescue! The 3 of us got back on the road, missed the turnoff to second SAG stop and were heading for home!
In the last 10 miles of our ride I was feeling sluggish...I thought it was me lacking energy. I looked down to see my front tire wobbling and going flat...damn! Craig noticed the actual tire was damaged and since we were so close to the finish we opted for the pump it up and go method! Since it was a slow leak, we could keep filling it with air and ride until it went down again. My pit crew kept air in my tire and we all got back without SAG assistance...yeah! I was a lucky girl and had great weather, great ride and great teammates!!!
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