Friday, February 17, 2012

Another Death Ride season begins...

My team has already given me special parking and they hadn't even seen me ride yet! Anyway...after all the formalities of kickoff and was time for the first official team ride! The same location and 46 mile route as least year. This was my very eventful maiden voyage ride of my new bike "Willie" last year. Thankfully we were luckier this year and were able to avoid the bike path, little girls with pink bikes and dare-devil/suicidal squirrels...phew!

When we rolled in the morning, I was thrilled to see some familiar faces from last year's Death Ride (DR) team that came out to ride with us! It was a fun blending of old and new friends. Other than a select few from last year, this team seems much faster overall. Let's just say my ride average better improve quickly! My ride group is not only quicker but fast & fearless downhill. I'm already finding they are dropping me on all the descents...and I thought I was going to need a motor installed for the climbs!

The ride began with light rain and some wind but ended up sunny and nice by the Honoree Potluck/BBQ. As the picture shows...the bike was desperately in need of some cleaning by the end of this ride.

Miller Creek Park was the perfect location to unwind after the ride and socialize with the team. It also gave us the opportunity to "Know Why" we are doing cycle for a cure. We all got the opportunity to meet and learn about our team Honorees. What they shared will inspire and motivate us through this season. They are the rock stars of this team. I'm honored to know them and support them through my fundraising this season.

Ready or not training has officially begun! I will be climbing every hill I see for the next 5 things can only up from here;-)